
Attainment across the school is tracked against age related expectation using age bands.
Throughout the school, a point score system is in use to enable comparison of attainment and tracking of progress across years and key stages.
In EYFS, the age bands are from 16-26 months to 40-60 months and relate to the Development Matters. Within these age bands there are three steps:-
There is then a band relating to the expectation that children will meet the Early Learning Goals (ELG) by the end of Reception. Across KS1, the age bands relate to the year group that the child is in.
Within the ELG band and the KS1 bands, there are 4 steps:-
Mastery – an emphasis on breadth and depth of learning within a year band rather than linear progression into the next year band.
However, the mastery band has the same point score as the emerging band for the year above. For instance, Y1S and Y2E both have a point score of 20.
The age related expectation for Reception is ELG 2/secure and the age related expectation across KS1 is that a child will be secure within their year group.
There is an expectation that a child will make at least 3 steps of progress in a year. For instance, it is the expectation that a child ending Y1 as Y1S will reach Y2S by the end of Y2. Where a child is not at age related expectation, accelerated progress will be expected, over time, to meet age related expectation by the end of the key stage. Where a child is not making expected progress, a Raising Attainment Action Plan (RAAP) will be put in place on a termly basis.
In EYFS, all 12 strands of the Development Matters relating to a Good Level of Development (GLD) will be tracked. Across KS1 we will track reading, writing and math's.
A baseline assessment will be needed in Nursery and for those children new to the school in Reception. For all other children, the age band reached at the end of the preceding year will act as their baseline. In Reception, the Early Excellence Baseline will also be completed during Autumn 1 and used to highlight gaps in learning.
Tracking of attainment and progress will take place three times a year at the end of Autumn 2, Spring 2 and Summer 2.