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The Prevent Duty

The Department of Education has asked schools to help them safeguard pupils from the risks of extremism and radicalisation.  


Young people may be vulnerable to a range of risks as they pass through adolescence. They may be exposed to new influences and potentially risky behaviours, influence from peers, influence from older people or the internet as they may begin to explore ideas and issues around their identity.

Schools must have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into extremism and radicalisation. As such schools have been asked to draw your attention to the following websites:-


Brent Council - Prevent, Extremism and radicalisation


For urgent Child Protection matters, outside of school hours, please contact:


Brent Family Front Door

Tel: 020 8937 4300 or email:


Brent Council - Child protection


The school is firmly committed to the Government's 'Prevent strategy'; Governors and Senior Leaders had a further detailed briefing.

At Roe Green Infant we ensure Safeguarding is effective. Senior Leaders have created a ethos of awareness where pupils’ welfare is actively promoted. Pupils are listened to and feel safe. Staff are trained to identify when a pupil may be at risk of neglect, abuse or exploitation and they know report their concerns.


Leaders and staff work effectively with external partners to support pupils who are at risk or who are the subject of a multi-agency plan. Staff work to protect pupils from radicalisation and extremism is exemplary. Staff respond swiftly where pupils are vulnerable to these issues.


Online Safety

We further help children develop computing skills at home by allowing the children access to learning which involves them accessing Mymaths, Bug Club  and  Purple Mash etc. All children have and use “USO” – an secure individual login and password which enables them to access resources and materials on the safe and richly resourced  London Grid for Learning portal

Designated Safeguarding Lead Details

Keeping Children Safe in Education

(Government Website)

PDSC (Police Digital Security centre)


E-Safety Advice for Parents

(LGFL Website)

National Online


E-Safety Policy to Parents

Online Safety Centre (CEOP Website)

Supporting Young People Online

(CEOP Website)


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