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Tout notre apprentissage à domicile est désormais dispensé en ligne via les plates-formes Tapestry, Google Classroom et Microsoft Teams. Veuillez parler à votre professeur si vous avez besoin d'un accès

Nous avons fourni une multitude d'options d'apprentissage en ligne que vous pouvez utiliser pour faciliter l'apprentissage de votre enfant.

Veuillez utiliser le calendrier suggéré et les notes sur la lecture guidée ci-dessous pour vous aider à planifier la journée de votre enfant.

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Access to our subscription based LGFL resources. You will need your login details.

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Access to our subscription reading books at home. You will need your login details.

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Our Virtual Learning Platform. You will need your login details.


Our Virtual Learning Platform for EYFS. You will need your login details.

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Discovery Espresso

Access to our subscription based award winning resource. You will need your login details.

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Access to our subscription based resource. (please select "integration partners" and select London Grid for Learning).

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Almost 10,000 free lessons and resources.

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Access to BBC bitesize educational website

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Are you worried about online sexual abuse or the way someone has been communicating with you online?

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White Rose Maths Website

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Thinkuknow is the education program from NCA-CEOP, a UK Organisation which protects children both online and offline.

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Access to our subscription based resource. You will need your login details

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Our Parent Messaging System. You will need your login details

If you have forgotten your username and password for any of the above then please email

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